Elder Eduardo Gavarret was sustained as a General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 5, 2008. At the time of his call, he had been serving in the bishopric of the Santa Cruz Ward in the Limatambo stake in Lima, Peru. He has served as a member of the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy, First Counselor in the South America Northwest Area Presidency, an Assistant Executive Director in the Missionary Department and Information and Communications Services Department, and Second Counselor in the Brazil Area Presidency. He is currently serving as President of the Caribbean Area.
Elder Gavarret received a license in administration and management from the Universidad Autonoma-UAA in 1986 and a license from Dale Carnegie in human relations in 1987. In 2000 he also received an MBA in marketing from INPG-MBA in Brazil.
He was employed by Tecnofarma for 18 years, working for that company in Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil. He then worked as a general manager for IVAX Corporation in Peru and later as the business director for Brazil. In 2006 GP Pharm S.A. employed him in Peru as general manager and also as regional manager for Central America and Uruguay.
Elder Gavarret has served in a number of Church callings, including full-time missionary in the Uruguay/Paraguay Mission, branch president, stake executive secretary, bishop, stake mission president, stake president, regional representative, Area Authority, Area Seventy, high councilor, temple worker, Brazil Missionary Training Center branch counselor, president of the Paraguay Asuncion Mission, and counselor in a bishopric.
Eduardo Gavarret Inzaurralde was born in Minas, Lavalleja, Uruguay, on May 11, 1956. He married Norma Beatriz Gorgoroso Martirena in October 1978. They are the parents of three children.