- General-officers-reaffirm-the-divine-identity-of-saints-in-the-Caribbean
- General-officers-reaffirm-the-divine-identity-of-saints-in-the-Caribbean
- General-officers-reaffirm-the-divine-identity-of-saints-in-the-Caribbean
- general-officers-of-the-Relief-Society-and-Primary-organizations-visits-the-caribbean-5.jpg
- General-officers-reaffirm-the-divine-identity-of-saints-in-the-Caribbean
- General-officers-reaffirm-the-divine-identity-of-saints-in-the-Caribbean
- General-officers-reaffirm-the-divine-identity-of-saints-in-the-Caribbean
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Sister J. Anette Dennis and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, general officers of the Relief Society and Primary organizations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints respectively, held meetings with members, Church leaders, and media from Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica, as part of a recent visit to the Caribbean Sept. 9-13.
Both women, who are Church leaders, together with Elder Tomás G. Román, an Area Seventy, met
with government officials and leaders of humanitarian organizations. They also shared messages with youth and young adults and visited with individual church members as well as families on the islands.
On Monday, September 12, they held a meeting with Senator Elizabeth Rosa Vélez, who heads the Special Commission for the Eradication of Poverty in Puerto Rico. At the meeting, they discussed the most pressing needs of the population, as well as identifying ways in which the Church and its members could help.
The sisters also participated in training activities, through which they taught church women over the age of 11 the power and meaning of the covenants they have made with the Lord, as well as their identity as daughters of God.
"One of the things we want to convey is the power of covenants, the authority that sisters have in honoring covenants that bring god's power, and the importance of understanding who we are, even if the world tries to confuse us, because knowing who we really are changes everything else," Sister Dennis said.
The visits continued on Wednesday, May 14, in Trinidad and Tobago, where they were accompanied by Elder Kevin G. Brown, Area Seventy, assigned to the eastern Caribbean region. A meeting was held with Planning and Development Minister Pennelope Beckles Robinson.

During the meeting, the areas of concern of the government were discussed, which included education, violence and the hopelessness of citizens and the improvement of their living conditions. In view of this discussion, Minister Beckles Robinson urged Church leaders to focus their efforts on education, encouraging them to teach the gospel to the people of the island so that they can have a closer connection with Jesus Christ.
Among others, they discussed some topics related to the Church's doctrine on the family, which, in their view, could help address the violence and hopelessness prevalent in the country. They also discussed the Church's humanitarian efforts to improve people's living conditions, including employment and education.
That same afternoon, they held an interview with Rosemary Scott, deputy director of Living Waters Community, and Rochelle Nakhid, coordinator for migrants and refugees of the same organization, with whom they discussed development projects and community service initiatives.
The next day, the sisters participated in a devotional meeting for young adults, in which Sister Dennis counseled them to "take one step at a time as they aspire to new spiritual heights," stating that "every time you kneel to pray, study the scriptures, partake of the sacrament, or choose to live the gospel of Jesus Christ; you are climbing." He also testified that "the Lord restored His church to help us climb to perfection," stating that "we are not alone in this climb, but we finish that climb with Him, we will be comfortably next to Him, because then we will be like Him," were his words.
For her part, Nadine L. Brown, area organizing advisor, added her testimony to that of the visiting sisters, saying "young adults have the ability to aspire to more, in fact they are kings and queens, entitled to priesthood power."
Subsequently, their robust schedule took them to Jamaica, a country where Sister Browning spent part of her youth. There, her messages focused on three principles taught by President Russel M. Nelson in a recent devotional for young adults, where he said that "members of the Church are children of God, are children of the covenant, and are disciples of Christ."
Among other teachings, Sister Browning stressed that "knowing that we are children of God makes a difference in how we live our lives. Knowing our identity empowers us in many ways" and that "as covenant children, all of us, including sisters, have access to priesthood power through the covenants we make."
Regarding the need to care for one another, the sisters taught that "as disciples of Jesus Christ, we love and minister as He does... we focus on building relationships and meeting the needs of those in whose service we are, rather than simply fulfilling the obligation to make monthly visits or impart a prescribed lesson... we love, and we are motivated by love."
The visit concluded on Saturday, September 17, 2022, the date on which the sisters returned to Church world headquarters to fulfill other assignments, leaving behind a trail of inspiring messages that will help strengthen the members touched by their words. Their series of high-level meetings and meaningful contacts promise to advance the Church's work and to assist in the coordination with governmental and social organizations.